We Missed It: Passages (2023)

As 2023 wraps up, I wanted to go through some of the more higher rated movies that I missed, starting with Passages. Passages follows as Tomas cheat on his husband Martin with a woman, Agathe, and all the chaos it creates.

The movie is very sensual which drives home how complicated modern day mature romances can be. It is fascinating that the movie doesn’t try to make you empathize with Tomas at all. He continues to make the wrong decision and expects everyone to just be fine with it. He cheats on Martin and when they split, refuses to respect his boundaries and space and force himself into his life, all while having a relationship with Agathe. I think it was intentional, or that’s at least how I viewed it.

This isn’t supposed to be a rom-com or even a romance. Instead, it paints a realistic picture where Tomas, Martin, and Agathe are all real people, not characters. They all make decisions how they feel like they should and then deal with the consequences of those decisions. 

The movie led me to feel a wide range of emotions, mostly none positive. The acting was great as again, no one feels like a character. It reminds me of the movie Shortcomings this year. (Read my review here) Both movies have a lead that continues to make the wrong decision and fail to empathize with anyone they’re hurting. It leaves both of them alone at the end having to realize that they screwed up big.  I was a fan of that in Shortcomings and I still am here. It breaks the mold of the protagonists redeeming themselves and leaves them in a more realistic position. I’d give this a watch if you can.


To check out more of our reviews, click here. If you have suggestions for movies we should check out, email [email protected]! 
Connor Jameson
Connor Jamesonhttps://letterboxd.com/cnnrjmsn
I've always been a movie fan, but I first got big into cinema watching Whiplash when I was younger. That movie led to a greater appreciation of films and got me to dive into the medium. My favorite genre is horror movies, but I’ll always have a secret soft spot for rom coms and musicals. When I'm not podcasting or watching movies, I love working out and going hiking, and I currently work in business analytics with the degree I got from Western New England University. MY FAVORITE MOVIES: Good Will Hunting, Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse, Whiplash, Moneyball, Top Gun: Maverick
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As 2023 wraps up, I wanted to go through some of the more higher rated movies that I missed, starting with Passages. Passages follows as Tomas cheat on his husband Martin with a woman, Agathe, and all the chaos it creates. The movie is...We Missed It: Passages (2023)