The Beekeeper (2024) Review: Bees? Bees!

The Beekeeper is an action movie following a beekeeper who seeks out revenge against a group that caused his friend to commit suicide. Starring Jason Statham as our hero, The Beekeeper is a fun little action movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously while delivering some fun action.

Jason Statham is one of the best action stars in the game. Even though he has the “can’t lose a fight” contract, he still can deliver really fun action as a character we want to root for. Between this character and his character in The Meg movies, he’s begun kicking ass for a good cause. He loves dropping bee-related puns and the tried and true action one-liners. 

Josh Hutcherson dips his toe into the villain game and he does pretty decent. They made him out to be a stereotypical millennial with a powerful mother, but he does well to make the most of his screen time. 

The story is straightforward to follow for the most part. A company makes millions of phishing scams targeting the elderly and most vulnerable. After his landlady and friend fall victim to them, it becomes Statham’s mission to hunt down everyone involved. There is an FBI subplot that I don’t care about too much, but the main story is engaging enough. 

Normally these types of action movies don’t do much for me. They are very formulaic and I always see it as how fast we can get from point A to B while racking up as many cool fight scenes as possible. But this one doesn’t take itself too seriously. Like Statham takes down an adversary by throwing a jar of honey at them and lighting them on fire.


The Beekeeper was surprisingly enjoyable. It’s not a movie you need to emotionally get invested in, but your eyes will enjoy what it sees. I saw someone on Twitter describe this as a movie your dad will love when it is on TNT midday on a weekend, and I’d agree. 


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Connor Jameson
Connor Jameson
I've always been a movie fan, but I first got big into cinema watching Whiplash when I was younger. That movie led to a greater appreciation of films and got me to dive into the medium. My favorite genre is horror movies, but I’ll always have a secret soft spot for rom coms and musicals. When I'm not podcasting or watching movies, I love working out and going hiking, and I currently work in business analytics with the degree I got from Western New England University. MY FAVORITE MOVIES: Good Will Hunting, Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse, Whiplash, Moneyball, Top Gun: Maverick
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The Beekeeper is an action movie following a beekeeper who seeks out revenge against a group that caused his friend to commit suicide. Starring Jason Statham as our hero, The Beekeeper is a fun little action movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously while...The Beekeeper (2024) Review: Bees? Bees!