Oh man, the DCEU. They have surely been struggling over the past few years. With recent films such as Bird of Prey and Wonder Woman 1984, DC needed a pickup. Although they did well with The Suicide Squad, it seems like they are just getting so inconsistent with what products they are putting out. Black Adam was one of the weaker movies.
Every time a studio, such as DC, Marvel, Star Wars etc., brings out and introduces a new character, I am also interested to see what they have to offer. I never really read any of the comics, so the big screen is where I am seeing these characters for the first time.
The main problem I had with this movie was that it was flat. The dialogue was boring and sometimes cringe at points. They gave Black Adam bland lines, and it just didn’t work. There was no real emotional attachment to any character.
I get it is supposed to be a comic book/ superhero movie but there have been plenty of Marvel and even a couple DC movies that had me attached to one specific character throughout the film. This movie just didn’t do that, and if they tried to do it then it was executed poorly. It just felt lazy.
This movie had tons of action in it. They included the slow-motion effect during fight scenes where they would slow down the frames to make sure we definitely saw The Rock knock a tooth out of a mercenary. The scenes are in popular movies such as The Matrix and 300. However, in this film, I think they overused it and could have gone a few scenes without it.
Final Thought
I really hope the DCEU will pick it up with better movies. Hopefully this movie sets something special up for the future with bringing back a major character in the post-credit scene. I will still watch the sequel and other DCEU projects in the future, but they just aren’t popping out to me like they used to anymore. As for Black Adam, it was action packed and was fun but still lacked the emotional and good plot content.